Each year in the Middle East, Sodexo employees come together in the name of Stop Hunger to volunteer and support labourers and utility workers throughout the month of Ramadan.

Stop Hunger is a global non-profit network, created by Sodexo. Their goal is to sustainably eradicate hunger in the world. 100% of the donations made to Stop Hunger go directly to support the needs of its 1,200 local NGO partners and their beneficiaries around the world.

This year was no exception and 227 Sodexo employees from across UAE, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar volunteered their time to ensure local labourers and utility workers were able to afford to break their fast. 
Stop Hunger collaborated with local NGO’s and government organisations to ensure we were able to help the right people.

Over the course of the month a total of 11,875kg of food was donated.

Visit the Stop Hunger website to discover the range of initiatives in local communities and with local NGO's or to make a donation.

“Sodexo’s stop hunger program is one of the most noble activities to serve the local community. This is a true example of “ Helping hands are holier than the lips that pray”

– Khadirulla Shareef. Mechanical engineer, Sodexo Teyseer – Qatar

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