Future Food

If the thought of eating algae, cacti or pumpkin flowers doesn’t fill you with excitement. Or you’ve never heard of ingredients like Amaranth, Moringa or Enoki mushrooms, read on to find out what magic our Sodexo chefs are preparing to weave in the pursuit of the future of food.

The Unsustainable Present

As the world's population continues to grow, our food systems are beginning to struggle to keep pace. And with rising global hunger rates*, the statistics indicate we need to produce more food, faster to meet the nutritional requirements of our populations. We also need to avoid the kind of damaging side effects that sometimes come along with such large-scale industrial agriculture, such as the depletion of soil quality, the destruction of natural habitats and the concerning rise of health conditions associated with high fat, high carb diets.

In the past decade, thinking and behaviours around eating and agriculture have begun to shift. We are seeing a clear movement away from simply trying to produce as much food as possible as cheaply as possible, and acquiring a new focus; towards a future where the provenance and quality of what we consume takes on more importance. Where we look to less traditional, more sustainable sources of nutrition and where animal products take less of a prominent role.

Sodexo: leading the path to the future

Our Sodexo chefs worked wonders with these sometimes unfamiliar ingredients. Combining their know-how and experience of consumer tastes with these great natural flavours, they came up with 40 recipes that were suitable to be rolled out across the wider Sodexo network of client sites. To date, these innovative dishes have been launched in over 5200 sites worldwide and will surely be heading to a menu near you in the near future. So don’t be surprised if you see an Amaranth Risotto or a Teff Granola Bowl on your plate soon!

These delicious dishes are based on our consumers' insights related to plant-based dining. They are in support of our commitments to nutrition, wellness, and sustainability and we are supporting local economies by sourcing locally where possible to ensure each individual eats fresh and enjoys balanced eating without sacrificing their health along the way.

Rising hunger rates* - THE STATE OF FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION IN THE WORLD 2020 - fao.org -http://www.fao.org/3/ca9692en/online/ca9692en.html#chapter-Key_message
Spike in the global hunger rate2 - UN report: Pandemic year marked by spike in world hunger (2021) - who.int - https://www.who.int/news/item/12-07-2021-un-report-pandemic-yearmarked-by-spike-in-world-hunger
United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization3 – The future of food and agriculture – Trends and challenges (2017) - fao.org - http://www.fao.org/3/i6583e/i6583e.pdf
64%4 - Kinnunen, P., Guillaume, J.H.A., Taka, M. et al. Local food crop production can fulfil demand for less than one-third of the population. Nat Food 1, 229–237 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43016-020-0060-7
70 to 80 percent5 - HLPE, 2014. Extract from the Report Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture for food security and nutrition. A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security, Rome 2014. http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/hlpe/hlpe_documents/HLPE_S_and_R/HLPE_2014_Sustainable_Fisheries_and_Aquaculture_Summary_EN.pdf
Future 50 Foods6 – Future 50 Foods - Knorr, WWF and Adam Drewnowsk (2019) - wwf.org.uk - https://www.wwf.org.uk/sites/default/files/2019-02/ Knorr_Future_50_Report_FINAL_Online.pdf
12 crops and five animals7 - What is Agrobiodiversity? - fao.org - http://www.fao.org/3/y5609e/y5609e01.htm#bm1
40 great-tasting recipes8 – Global Annual Culinary Report 2020 - sodexo.com - https://www.sodexo.com/files/live/sites/com-wwd/files/02%20PDF/Reports/culinary-report-2020-pdf
Organic Indoor Fish Farm - https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/environment/indoor-fish-farm-brings-the-freshwater-lakes-of-scotland-to-dubai-1.1150826
Indoor Farming in Abu Dhabi - https://www.fastcompany.com/90485666/the-united-arab-emirates-is-100-million-in-indoor-farming-as-it-tries-to-become-more-resilient
Verticle Farms growing microgreens in Dubai - https://www.gulftoday.ae/news/2020/06/26/dubai-badia-is-gcc-first-commercial-vertical-indoor-farm